Keeping resolutions

2020 – a new year and a new decade. You may well have made some personal ‘new year resolutions’. You may also be in the process of setting your personal objectives for the year.
Our development programmes are founded on participants making changes to fulfil their potential in their roles as leaders and relationship managers. As we each reflect on our personal objectives and goals, it feels like a good time to revisit the changes we have identified and the actions we committed to take forwards.
How are you getting on with yours?
If you attended a development programme in the last 12 months, why not dig out your actions and reflect on your progress? Why not try rating yourself on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ‘not at all’ and 10 is ‘totally achieved’ as to the progress you have made against each action?
- If you have one or more scores of 9 or 10, then take a moment to feel proud. Changing our behaviours is not easy.
- For scores or 6, 7, or 8, identify what you need to do to unlock a 9 or a 10. Sometimes it is hard to do this for ourselves. Perhaps consider asking a colleague for a coaching conversation to identify what you might do differently.
- For scores of 3, 4, 5, you may be feeling a bit stuck. What is the next step for you to address? Who could help you? How will you measure your success?
- If you have a score of 1 or 2, then consider why you have not made progress. Was the action unrealistic? Or perhaps it is no longer relevant? Or have you just not prioritised the action given the busy, day-to-day nature of your role? If the latter, what do you need to change to make progress?
Having reflected on the actions you set previously, the new year offers an opportunity to set new goals to be an even better leader or build even better relationships.
Take a moment to step away from your day to day role, your meeting schedules and deadlines. Ask yourself ‘What do you want to achieve? How can you improve your stakeholder relationships? How can you be a better leader?
We wish you all the best in identifying and following through these actions to change, develop and grow in your role.
Louise Fleming, Partner, Aretai LLP
January 2020
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